What's up in Asia #9

This is How You Can Become A Graphic Designer

Nowadays, graphic design works are seen everywhere. From product packaging to website – all of it are made by the creative hand of the graphic designer. No wonder there are many people to become one of them. YOU can also become a graphic designer.


What's up in Asia #913 Exercises to Become A Creative Genius

Actually creativity is going anywhere. It is within all of you that our creativity lies. And that’s why creativity is a trainable skill. Further more, creativity has been proven as one of crucial factors for future success. And it can be said it is the most crucial one for a great graphic designer.
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What's up in Asia #99 Traits of A Great Designer

There are endless new plugins, smart apps and high-end technology devices to help you to be more productive graphic designer these days. But it isn’t a guarantee for making someone a great graphic designer. Just like the same old saying, “The determining factor is the man behind the gun.”
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What's up in Asia #99 Free iPhone Apps for Productive Designers

Staying productive can be tricky. Every time designers should be prepared for any change and update on the projects, brainstorm new ideas -while they should deal the temptation to slack-and get the things done. Thanks for the ever-changing technology, now many things can be done with the help from apps.
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What's up in Asia #910 Photoshop Plugins to Speed up Your Web Designs

Time can be friend or foe especially for them who work in creative area like graphic designers. One thing the designers always do is speeding up the design process and trying to stay focused all the time in order to hitting the deadlines and keeping things under budget. These 10 plugins can boost your design process.
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